Welcome! Thank you for viewing my blog! I will be posting here on WordPress as well as the blog on my website, http://www.david-palmer.com
I have created this blog to let the world know the information I have to share about astrology. I am going to start a video that goes along with my blogs and those will be posted on YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and http://www.david-palmer.com
Let me start this blog by describing my ideals in astrology. I have developed two different readings. The first is my reading called, “Inclusive Astrology”. Like Mundane Astrology, Inclusive brings the collective energies into interpretation but adds the last level of astrology we need to include in our consciousness. Sure we have our natal chart, our solar astrology but we need the inclusive as well. How the energies of the planets affect our collective energies is the last key to completing the exciting adventures our soul experiences here on Earth. Inclusive describes “all” better than mundane.
The definition of mundane : mun·dane Adjective/ˌmənˈdān/
1. Lacking interest or excitement; dull.
2. Of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one. I feel that Astrology is VERY exciting and I interpret my inclusive readings in an earthly world that is heavenly and spiritual.
The definition of inclusive: in.clu.sive Adjective/ [in-kloo-siv]
1. Including the stated limit or extremes in consideration or account: from 6 to 37 inclusive.
2. Including a great deal, or including everything concerned; comprehensive: an inclusive art form; an inclusive fee.
In Inclusive Astrology I include all the energy of the universe and EVERYTHING concerned.
I will be posting the video on Inclusive Astrology this week. Once you see how I read Inclusive Astrology with Solar and Natal Charts, you will be blown away!
Target Astrology is a reading I have developed to get you on YOUR path. Being a Leo, Leo Rising, Mercury in Leo, and Venus in Leo with Jupiter in my fifth house; astrologically speaking as an astrologer, I am the person that will get you on YOUR dream path. In lament terms, after being on National TV multiple times, falling in love with the love of my life and having all my dreams come true, there is no better astrologer that will get you on the dream path you have always dreamed of! Using an aim and a focus on a targeted area, together we will use the astrological techniques I have used to get on my path. With Target Astrology you name the dream and we focus on the path. Whether it’s something in the present, past of future, we will use Natal Astrology, Solar Astrology, my own “Inclusive Astrology”, Solar Return Charts, Progressed Charts and Horary Astrology to paint the bull’s eye on your dream!
For more information and to subscribe to my emails and newsletter please join my website and become a member,
Astrology is one of my passions, music and entertainment are some of my others. You can catch my radio show, “Beauty and the Grumble” live on Mondays and Wednesdays on http://alldigitalradio.com starting September 12th 6pm pst/9pm est. I also DJ house music, for my latest mixes check out http://soundcloud.com/djdavidpalmer
As far as astrology goes, I am also the proud spokesman of a new astrology product/reading coming to market this fall. The product is StarHearts. A new Helio charted breakthrough in astrology that defines your complete life path and defines personal relationship truths and compatibility. I use StarHearts on all my relationships! It really is so accurate, I use it in every relationship reading and to take a look at my own personal life path. There is NOTHING out in the astrology world like StarHearts. Website and TV ads coming soon!
Thank you for all your support and love throughout all the years. I can not wait to bring you this weekly astrology blog as well as the videos that will be attached. For readings and bookings contact david@david-palmer.com
My message is clear: Positivity, love and inspiration will bring you to your true happiness.
Sending you all the positive vibes in the world,
David Palmer